Tummy Tuck Or Liposuction: Compare The Cost And Recovery Time

By Rena Graham

We all want that fit and trimmed figure right? For this particular problem in the mid-region there are two procedures that you can rely on, a tummy tuck and liposuction. But with the kind of economic climate we are having at present, we sometimes need to cut back on certain choices. When you have to choose one, how do you pick out which is the best solution for you?

Ideally, a tummy tuck and liposuction go together and usually not against each other. Each have their own benefits and limitations. So to help you with your dilemma let me take you through the basics to help you choose which of the two is more likely to suit you best.


If you want to get rid of those stubborn and unwanted fats that are unrelenting to diet and exercise, a liposuction is a procedure that can do this for you. It requires the use of a long, thin, and hollow cannula inserted through a tiny incision, and is then attached to a suction machine.

The surgeon moves the cannula back and forth to dislodge the fats making it easier to suction. Sometimes a solution may also be used to assist in this process.


So if the pounds of excess fats on your abdomen are not nudging despite all those hours doing sit-ups then you would benefit out of a liposuction surgery.

But it is essential that you understand the importance of being within a safe weight to undergo liposuction. It is not a weight loss procedure but rather a body contouring one. In fact to be a good candidate, not only should you be in normal weight, but you should also have firm and elastic skin.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, on the other hand, does not remove the fats as extensively as liposuction would. But it can still remove superficial fat layers and it also eliminates excess saggy skin. This is the reason why a tummy tuck is usually done after a liposuction in order to trim the area better by tightening up the skin.

Unlike liposuction, a tummy tuck can tighten the abdominal area better because the muscles that have stretched apart are sutured together. So it creates a tighter shape for the skin to follow.

If you do not have that much weight gathered in the midsection, this procedure can give amazing results. So if the budget is restricting you to make a decision and you choose a tummy tuck, make sure that you dedicate on shedding a significant amount of weight first through strict diet and regular exercise.

Recovery Time

When it comes to the recovery time, both are relatively similar. But because of the smaller incision done on liposuction, it will allow you to return to normal activity sooner. In relation to the wound inflicted during the procedure, the one on tummy tuck is way much longer as it spreads across the lower abdomen from hip to hip. So you have to take extra time to take off work to recuperate more appropriately.


The cost of both these procedures are dictated by a number of factors. But generally a tummy tuck costs more when compared to the traditional liposuction technique. To get a more specific and accurate price, it is best that you ask your surgeon this after you have been thoroughly evaluated.

If you just have to choose one from this two procedures, make sure that you first determine the type of abdominal fat situation youve got going on. If mounds of it are piling up then you are most likely to benefit from a liposuction. But if you do not have that much adipose problem, and simply want to trim and tighten your abdomen, then a tummy tuck would be a good option.

About the Author: Am I a good candidate for Liposuction? Find out



Esteem Cosmetic Studio

, an Autralia-based company, who specializes both in tummy tuck and liposuction. Set an appointment in their clinics in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra and experience how tummy tuck or liposuction help your body look firmer and slimmer by getting rid of those unwanted fats.



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